Miyerkules, Disyembre 26, 2012

Angels versus Humans: Legion

Title: Legion
Directed by: Scott Stewart
Released Date: January 22, 2010
Genre: Fantasy, Thriller,Horror,Biblical

Movie Summary:

The Archangel Michael falls to Earth in Los Angeles and cuts off his wings. He steals a police car after a policeman is killed by another officer. He then heads for the Paradise Falls diner, near the edge of the Mojave Desert.
Meanwhile, Kyle, a single father driving to Los Angeles, stops at the diner. There he meets the owner, Bob Hanson; his son Jeep; the short-order cook Percy; a pregnant waitress, Charlie; a married couple, Howard and Sandra Anderson, and their rebellious teenage daughter, Audrey.
An old woman enters the diner. She seems pleasant at first, but then begins taunting the diner's patrons. When Howard confronts her, she rips his throat open, screeches that they are all going to die and climbs up the ceiling like an insect. Kyle shoots her with a handgun before she can kill Bob. Percy, Kyle, Bob, Sandra, Audrey, Jeep, and Charlie try to get the injured Howard to the hospital, but are forced to go back after passing through a swarm of flies.
Michael arrives and arms the patrons as the entire sky plunges into blackness. Hundreds of cars approach, filled with possessed people who begin to attack the diner. Michael leads the patrons in the fight against the possessed, but Howard is dragged away. Later Michael explains that God has lost faith in mankind and has sent His angels to destroy the human race. He also reveals that Charlie's baby is destined to be the savior of mankind, and that it must stay alive if humanity is to have any hope of surviving. Michael also reveals that his original mission was to kill Charlie's baby, but he disagreed with God's orders, as he still has faith in the goodness of humanity.
The next morning, Sandra discovers Howard crucified behind the restaurant and covered with boils. She tries to rescue him, but he violently explodes into acid. Percy dies shielding Sandra from the blast, and Sandra is driven insane. Meanwhile, the remaining survivors (Jeep, Charlie, Kyle, Audrey, Sandra and Bob) manage to catch a radio transmission revealing that there are other pockets of survivors holding out against the possessed, with one such refuge nearby. However, Michael advises them not to go, since they would be too vulnerable on the move.
That night, a second wave of possessed attack, luring Kyle out by having a father and his son show up and having the father run over, motivating Kyle to attempt to save the child. The child turns out to be possessed, kills Kyle, and attacks Audrey but Michael intervenes and shoots down many possessed.
The attack pushes a panicked Charlie into labor. Audrey and Michael help her deliver the baby as trumpets sound, signaling the approach of the Archangel Gabriel. In a panic, Sandra breaks her restraints and tries to give the baby to the possessed, but Michael guns her down.
Moments later, Gabriel enters the diner seriously injuring Bob. Michael gives Jeep the keys to the police cruiser he arrived in, urging them to escape and telling Jeep, rather enigmatically to "find the prophets, learn to read the instructions". The hordes of possessed humans are unable to approach Charlie's baby, so Jeep, Audrey, Charlie, and the baby make their way to the cruiser. Gabriel and Michael fight, ending with Gabriel stabbing Michael through the chest with his mace. Michael dies and his body disappears. The dying Bob lights a flame to the diner's gas main, blowing up the diner, incinerating himself and the remaining possessed.
Jeep's body gets covered in the same mysterious drawings seen on Michael's body which leads Jeep to realize that the tattoos are the instructions Michael spoke of. Gabriel then appears, having survived, and swoops down on the fleeing car. As he tries to reach Charlie, Audrey jumps on him and sacrifices herself by yelling at Jeep to slam on the brakes, sending Gabriel through the front windshield as the car crashes. Charlie and Jeep survive with the baby, but Audrey doesn't survive the crash.
Gabriel finally corners the three in the nearby mountains. He is about to kill them when Michael appears from Heaven, an angel once more, and stops Gabriel. Michael tells Gabriel that he (Michael) did what God needed, not what God wanted, thus giving humanity another chance. With his angelic powers back, Michael easily defeats Gabriel, but spares his life after which Gabriel leaves, defeated. Michael explains to Jeep that he is the child's true protector and to have faith when Jeep asks if they will see Michael again, then flies off. Charlie and Jeep make it to the top of the mountain and see a small town in the valley below.
Sometime later, Charlie, Jeep, and the baby are seen driving off into the distance with a station wagon full of weapons, after which the credits roll.


"The Angels will come forth"

Legion is a weird, twisted and blasphemous(like what the Director said) movie. 
In this film, the human race aren't dealing with Demons but with Angels because it was said that 
God is already mad at his children(humans) because of the sins and many destruction they made and the fact
that most of them are already losing faith and so, he decided to make a move. To exterminate the entire human race through the angels. The main setting is at a small pub in the middle of the dessert and strangely the pub is called 'Paradise Falls', there inside the pub are group of survivors whom the Archangel Michael will hang out with. The survivors with Michael are surprised, because instead of Demons possessing humans, it was Angels. That's really unbelievable because what the humans believe in is that Angels are supposed to be the Good Guys.

The Fall of Archangel Michael

We all know Archangel Michael as the leader of the Angel army and the Prince of the Heavenly Host, his name means 'The one who is like God' and he's also the one who defeated Lucifer in the first rebellion. But in this film, the Holy and Leader of the seven Archangels fell(not literally) like what happened to Lucifer. But he did not fall because he turned evil or whatsoever, he chose to fall because he's against God's order to destroy mankind. Like what he said in the movie, He loses his faith but he--Michael--did not, he still believes on mankind and there's still a chance for them to change.

Subjective Response:

The Archangel Michael in this film is not the Michael I am expecting, he's different like he's void of emotions or just really weird. And...I LOVE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

The Battle between Michael and Gabriel

In the Bible, obviously, Archangel Michael and Gabriel are brothers, allies and will
never hurt each other. But in the film, Gabriel's character is a hell different from the 
typical Gabriel. He is cold, ruthless and will not hesitate to kill a human. And he did 
not even have a second thought on fighting his brother. Gabriel beat the crap out of Michael.
The image of Gabriel being the messenger who sent the Virgin Mary the message was suddenly
dumped and overshadowed by this new Gabriel. And Charlie there in the film is like symbolizing Mary since she's pregnant and Michael is trying to protect her while Gabriel wanted to kill her.

My Subjective Film Review:

Legion is one of my favorite film, and not only because I am attracted by its theme but also because of its story. I read from the internet and watched from Youtube that this film earned many negative criticisms, maybe because of its weird theme and the fact that it was Angels destroying mankind and they're not your typical goody Angels, another thing they have black wings--a symbolism that they're different and a killer more likely. I am not really affected by the criticisms of the film, I can't blame those people since like what I said earlier, the humans' belief is that Heaven is kind, holy and Angels are the ones who will protect the human race from the wraths of evil. It's also surprising that Hell and Demons are not mentioned in the movie but that would cause more chaos. Angels and Demons together to destroy mankind, wow, that would be destructive and I don't know if Humans will have a chance to win. I doubt that. And I think Charlie's baby is a symbolism of 'reincarnation' or something new, a reborn. 

Don't forget to watch Legion. ^_^




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