Miyerkules, Nobyembre 28, 2012

Film Review: The Dhampir

Movie: Bloodrayne
Genre: Vampirism, Action, Gore
Date Released: 2005


Rayne is the fruit of a human and vampire, thus, making her a dhampir(a term called to the half and half). The reason for her vampire blood is because Kagan--the Vampire King raped her mother. She then later witnessed in the end when Kagan killed her mother. This is the reason for Rayne's anger and vengeance towards the Vampire King.
Kagan is a powerful vampire king and he gathered many army both humans and vampires to annihilate the rest of the human race. And once he received a reading or prophecy that a dhampir will be able to defeat and kill him in the end. This dhampir will take over his throne and rule his kingdom. 

Film Review:

I am not a fan of vampires and I don't find them really 'romantic' or the Edward Cullen style of vampire. For me, vampires are monsters and if ever a vamp apocalypse occur, I'll still choose to become a human. Anyway, what's the connection of this to my review in Bloodrayne? First, Bloodrayne gave me the satisfaction that I want. In this film I found that vampires are evil creatures and that's what I really liked the most in the film. No offense to vampire fans out there but I enjoy it when vampires were being killed. And regarding the main character, Rayne, I can say she's awesome. She's just my type of character, not to mention that I also like redheads with matching green eyes. I can say that the actress who took the role of Rayne did a pretty good job, she portrayed her well. I also like the ending of the movie when Rayne sat on the throne after she killed Kagan and the camera zoomed in on her face, like its show that she's already the ruler and she will make a huge change.


Want some proof? Here's the trailer. :)

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